
How to lead a digital visual management POC?

Explore the power of digital visual management and learn how to conduct an effective POC to optimize your processes.

4 months ago

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A POC (Proof of Concept), or feasibility study in English, is a process that involves investigating the feasibility of a technical solution on a given platform. Visual management is an approach that aims to make key information easily accessible and understandable by presenting it visually. This can be in the form of dashboards, charts, diagrams, etc.

In a digital POC for visual management, you could, for example, create an application or an online platform that allows users to follow the status of various processes or projects in real time using interactive charts, Gantt diagrams, or other visual tools. The goal is to demonstrate how this approach can enhance understanding, communication, and decision-making in a given environment.

To succeed in a digital POC in visual management, it is important to clearly define the project's objectives, select the right tools and technologies, gather user feedback, and measure the results obtained against the set objectives.

Let's illustrate these different steps: